ONE MILLION VIEWS (Case Study Lessons: 9 Years in Review)

This year I'm fortunate to celebrate a number of career milestones.

A nifty one, tied to the first week of January is the tally of one million views of a TEDx Talk by Dr. Robert Waldinger.

It was nine years ago this week when his talk released on YouTube (Nov. 2015). The TED headquarters team then re-edited and shared it on their website, the night before Christmas. By New Years...

Dr. Waldinger was one of my 1st TEDx clients, back in the day. He was also the very, very first to reach those astoundingly rare, 7-digit heights.

It kicked off a season of juggling media inquiries and paid speaking invitations, on his behalf, from around the globe. (That sort of thing happens when someone clocks 1M views!)

You've heard a bit of the story before (here and here and elsewhere).

Now What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness is approaching another good round number: 50M views — a milestone likely to be passed by year's end.

What's more, it is nose-to-nose with another Top 25 Talk (by Sam Burns), vying to advance from the #8 slot to the all-time 7th most viewed talk of all time!


To say I expected ALL of that back in the day would be silly. Most of it was all thrilling and surprising.

That said, I did tell Dr. Robert Waldinger, nine years ago this week, that one day his talk *may* even hit 20 million views! He thought that prediction was "wild fantasy." Turns out, I was woefully underestimating things.

To understand it all, would require a MasterClass in TED Talk design and prep. But THAT would put us all to sleep! So instead, here's a link to a story-driven CASE STUDY that explores the who what, when of it all.

Hope you enjoy it. Also hope that it sparks some insights and hacks for you as you pursue spreading your own big idea one day!

And remember:

"The good life is built with good relationships."


P.S. Again, the CASE STUDY link is here.

P.P.S. Another milestone of 2025 is that a decade ago I launched "" as a solopreneur and stay-at-home-dad! That was back in the late spring of 2015. Since then... LOTS of lessons learned. AND (naturally) some stories worth sharing. So yes, more to come.



DEVIN D. MARKS is known as The TED Talk Whisperer. His firm, CONNECT to COMPEL, has served 100s of TED, TEDx, and short-talk speakers. The result: 100s of millions of views. He helps niche experts, authors, and leaders (just like you), spread BIG ideas.


You can reach Devin at 617.804.6020, or DM him here.

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ADV: Attend TED in Vancouver!

TED2025 (April 7-11) will convene thinkers who can show what human flourishing might look like in the years ahead.

Whether enabled by AI’s superpowers, revolutionary biological technology, or new visions of human creativity, kindness and connection — the AI future and conversations around the same are *not* to be missed.

Will humanity rise to the challenge? The future seems at once exciting and terrifying. The only thing we can know for sure is that it can be amazing!

Click here for more info. Click here to apply.

TEDster Video Insights.

Here's a video short that unpacks a bit of Dr. Robert Waldinger's breakaway talk.

How to Craft Impactful Messages?

video preview​

Want more? The TED Talk Whisperer YouTube video library is here.


In 2023, I enjoyed one of my most robust and engaging podcast interviews. It was with Julie Masters on the Inside Influence Podcast.

DECODING THE BREAKAWAY TED TALK did share some tales and hacks related to Dr. Robert Waldinger's breakaway talk. But the conversation also touched on topics like my STICKY Story™ framework and imposter syndrome... And lots more!

​Click here to listen to episode #151.

2025's m3 Cohort Launches Soon!

In a week, enrollment for 2025's Maximized Message Mastermind™ (m3) experience will be announced.

20 Sessions. 12 Peers. 9 Months. 1 Guide.

More than how to build a paid speaking business, promote a book, and uber-expand your reputation... it will become a community of high-achievers. What's more, it will all combines to yield ROI to the 3rd power in 2025!

RSVP your interest in joining the upcoming m3 cohort here.

P.S. If a TED Talk is your thing, click here to explore solo coaching.

Become a TED-Level Presenter!

When you're ready to take center stage (or center screen), let me know. Whether you're working on a TED-style keynote, commencement address, or an employee all-hands presentation, you will want to be:

[ âś”] 5Fold-Focused
(5 factors here)​
[ âś”] Story-Wrapped
(3 factors here)​
[ âś”] Action-Igniting
(7 factors here)​

Those 3 priorities are what make the mySHORTtalk method so very, very connecting and compelling.

Have a speech coming up? Are you interested in public speaking training?

Good news!

This framework can next-level any general center stage opportunity. Whether at a local level or a national conference, the mySHORTtalk framework can get you stage-ready.

To begin a conversation, click the button:




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TEDxTuesdays, a weekly-ish 'zine about TED-style messaging.

#TheTEDTalkWhisperer 🔴 My client's TEDx has 48M views. I help niche experts, authors, and leaders (just like you) spread BIG ideas. LET THE WORLD LIVE YOUR MESSAGE™ #tedtalks #tedx #tedstyle #publicspeaking #speechwriting #pitches #presentations #messaging #branding #publicrelations #events #conferences

Read more from TEDxTuesdays, a weekly-ish 'zine about TED-style messaging.

TED Talks have forever redefined public speaking — how we share and spread ideas on stage and screen. At the heart of this phenomenon is a distinct speaker prep approach that I’ve coined The Maximized Messaging Method™ (M3). The M3 framework distills core elements of successful TED Talk prep, emphasizing clarity, storytelling, and calls to engagement. A signature example of the M3 approach’s effectiveness is the TEDx Talk** by Harvard's Dr. Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons...

“I want my TEDx to go viral!” Whenever I hear that entreaty, my antenna twitch. While talks with one million views (or more) is my specialty, there must be more THERE there. "Viral" cannot be the end-goal — at least not for my team. Sure, 100K views (the official measure of “viral”) may be a win. But in the land of TED, there are 6 *other* equally valid definitions of success worth considering. For example, instead of mega-views, the goal may be an invitation to “sit at the table.” One of my...

Steve Jobs’ childhood memory about rocks and good ideas resonates with me, in the context of top-tier TED Talks. In an interview, he once shared a story involving a rock tumbler. He saw it as an analogy for the iterative improvement of ideas. Jobs explained how a truly great idea doesn’t simply appear fully formed: “We got some rocks — some regular old ugly rocks — and we put them in the can with a little bit of liquid and a little bit of grit powder. [My elderly neighbor] turned this motor...